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This page offers a variety of links and downloads...

[1] Download 2023 ZIP file containing R-code and CSV datasets...

R-code Supplement for Nonlinear Generalized Ridge Regression

This UPDATED Archive contains four files: CDC-mgcv.R, CDC16data.csv, USArrests-mgcv.R, and USArrests-corrected.csv.

[2] Download 2023 ZIP file containing R-code and Documentation for the syxi() function...

syxi() R-code to compute and plot lm() and gam() spline fits.

This UPDATED Archive contains two text files, a PDF, and a workspace: syxi.R, syxi_doc.txt, NLGRR_plots.pdf and syxi.RData.

[3] Download 2024 ZIP file containing R-code and .RData...

R-code Supplement for Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression

This archive contains the R-code needed to make all calculations and display all Figures in my 2022 paper Efficient Generalized Ridge Regression published in Open Statistics, 3, 1-18. An UpDated PDF for the published paper (with CORRECTIONS) is included.

[4] Visit the offical CRAN site for the "RXshrink" R-package...

RXshrink on CRAN:

The RXshrink R-package for maximum likelihood shrinkage via "generalized ridge" or "least angle" regression methods is currently Version 2.2, Sept-Oct 2022. While visiting CRAN, Read about this new version and View / Download the 40-page RXshrink-manual.pdf that documents the many individual functions and datasets within this package.

[5] View / Download the RXshrink...

Vignette-like PDF file.

This REVISED 51 page document contains a wealth of information about GRR estimation with Version 2.2 of RXshrink (Sept. 2022), including examples of new plot function calls, the resulting outputs and details on their interpretation.

[6] View / Download the...

"m-Scale Motivations" PDF.

This UPDATED 11-page "mcal.pdf" explains why the "multicollinearity allowance" measure of Shrinkage Extent is the IDEAL horizontal axis when plotting ridge TRACE diagnostics.

[7] Visit to Download my 2021 paper...

The Efficient Shrinkage Path: Maximum Likelihood of Minimum MSE Risk

This revised and updated paper (v3) introduces the Efficient p-parameter Shrinkage Path that heads directly towards and passes directly through the GRR point-estimate that is Most Likely under Normal distribution-theory to achieve an Optimal Variance-Bias Trade-Off in estimation of linear regression coefficients.

[8] View / Download my FREE softRX eBook...

Shrinkage Regression:

ridge, BLUP, Bayes, spline & Stein

1985 - 2004, 185 pages [1781KB]

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